Tuesday, February 13, 2018

media are constructions



  1. Your description of what this concept meant was well thought out and made it easy to understand. We agree on how you said it would affect consumers.

    Emily and Darian

  2. Good presentation, your concept was well explained, it was very "get to the point" and you guys did a very well job at expressing this concept in few words. Although you had examples, we feel as though they were effective, but could have been more effective. Overall, good job! - Maddie, Janet & Mackenzie

  3. Your explanation of the concept was effective and easily understandable, and we now feel as if we know what this concept is about. We enjoyed your thoughts on the topic and agree with you when you say that everyone has different opinions which can sometimes result in conflicts. People can become so caught up in what their own beliefs are that they ignore the fact that their opinions are not law, sometimes causing conversation to become a debate instead of a discussion. We would have liked to see your thoughts on how this concept affects us as media consumers, which it appears to have been accidentally left out. If this could be added in, your presentation would be that much more effective and informational. Overall, this was well done and added to our understanding of the concept. Great job!
    - Jules and Toni

  4. Delanie

    you guys had a good slide and your description on the concepts was very well told i think that you's did a really good job.
