Tuesday, April 26, 2016

car design

1. it takes a little over 4-6 months for a company to design a new car from scratch on a computer.
2.well while making new designs 
car company's can figure out how to make people interested and they can also create a different looking car
3.the feasibility stage is when car company's try to compete to make the better over all car
4.no, i love the chevy silverados and thats the way shes gunna stay bud!

type 2 car

type 1 car

automobiles are designed now a days to be more aerodynamic for fuel economy and lighter by using aluminum instead of steel, alot of plastic at the same time
type 1

careers and certification in the automotive industry

1. some of the high tech systems found on automobiles today that were unheard of 30 years ago are backup cameras, self parking cars, fuel injection, symetterical allwheel drive and sirus radio!
2.young people that are automobile technicians/mechanics should be knowing how to work of cars, knowing all of your wrench sizes and knowing the majority of parts on a car.
3.young people with a university or collage degree is more valuable than someone with 35 years experience working on cars!
4.a automotive technician should be able to do mechanic work, be good at math and be able to service a car.
5.a automotive technician is able to deal with stress and other customers problems where in other jobs some people may get frustrated
6. It is called the portal career because it opens you up to be able to do so many other jobs!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

carl benz old cars

  1. For how many years has the automobile been around?
  2. What is a patent? The answer is not in the video, so search for an answer online. 
  3. When Carl Benz obtains a patent in January of 1886 for his invention, what title did he use to describe the automobile?
  4. Who in his family drives his invention in August of 1888? What is "born" from this drive?
  5. What did the so called "axial pivot steering system" help solve? 
  6. What is the new name when the two automobile companies are merged?
  7. What did Benz experience as a pioneer in technology that many pioneers never experience?

  1.  For over 120 years
  2. A government lads or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.
  3. A vehicle with a gas motor.
  4. His wife "Berta" and the first ever Petro Station.
  5. This helps solve the problem that he had with steering his the vehicle.
  6. The new company is called " Mercedes Benz "
  7. He lived to see his dream to come true.